The pathway clear
Prayers at Morning Prayer
Bangor Cathedral, 24 May 2018
Psalm 143; Joshua 4:1–5:1; Luke 9:51–62
While all Israel were crossing over the Jordan on dry ground, the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan, until the entire nation finished crossing over the Jordan. — Joshua 3
When we hear you saying “Follow me” today
we’ll look back with nostalgia at what was.
When you send us ahead of you today
we’ll nurture the grievances and jealousies that hold us back.
When you put our hand to the plough today
we’ll be scared by the task, scared by the service that is liberty.
When we have to cross the river today
we’ll think it can’t be done, that we’ll be swept away.
behind us,
ahead of us,
alongside us,
lift up our heads.
who’s wisdom, love and fire,
direct our gaze.
God we yearn to
know and love and follow,
stretch out your hand.
Open our eyes,
God of the Way,
to see the stream dried up,
only your presence where before there was danger,
the promise visible,
the pathway clear.