Sweep over still
Prayers at Morning Prayer
Bangor Cathedral, 8 March 2018
Psalm 56; Genesis 49.33 — end of 50; Hebrews 7.1–10
A prayer as we reach the end of our reading of Genesis
In the beginning there was nothing,
ceaseless void,
and now, at the end,
Abraham and Sarah and Hagar
and Ishmael and Isaac and Rebekah
and Jacob and Leah and Rachel and Joseph,
long lives over,
lie in their tombs,
and Ephraim’s great-grandchildren
play in their little Eden.
In the beginning there was nothing,
ceaseless void,
and now there is everything,
your creation
brimming, flourishing, exalting;
in the beginning there was nothing,
and now there is us,
rejoicing, resenting, living,
sinning, repenting, forgiving.
Sweep over still
the face of the deep,
the human heart
that beats here now,
as theirs,
as yours.
Sweep over still,
God of Abraham,
Immortal Word,
Breath of the Creator.
Sweep over still
and send us out
and lead us on
to Exodus and Eden,
to wilderness and garden,
to cross and tomb
and light and flame,
your ceaseless heart
and deep.