Lift us up
Prayers at Morning Prayer
Bangor Cathedral, Ascension Day, 10 May 2018
Psalm 8; 2 Kings 2:1–15; Revelation 5
You came to share in us
that we might share in you.
God came to share in our humanity
that our humanity might share in God’s divinity.
So when you’re lifted up today,
welcomed in today,
worshipped by angels today,
the stuff of us is there, too,
lifted up
and welcomed
and glorified.
Lift us up when we fall,
tripped by our selfishness and self-regard.
Lift us up when we collapse
under expectations and demands.
Lift us up when we hide away
with shame and guilt.
Lift us up when we’re weighed down
by doubt and pity.
Lift us up when, from the depths,
from grave and tomb,
we yearn for you.
Lift us up to our full height
that’s your full height,
Risen God,
Ascended man,
you who came to share in us
that we might share in you.
Lift us up.